Health Tips for Teens

Roger Blake MD
2 min readNov 30, 2021

Being a teenager has some wonderful benefits; one gets to do more things, go out with their friends more, etc. However, being a teen also comes with a price. One has to deal with challenging classes and schoolwork, bullying from other people, and tons of side effects because they are going through puberty. It is pretty obvious about being a teenager that it can be very hard on one’s body. There are many things that could be harmful to teenagers or trigger an illness or disease in their bodies. The following are some health tips for teen girls and boys to live a long and healthy life.

Get Enough Sleep

Just like everyone else, teenagers need to get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for growing and maintaining a healthy body and mind. Getting enough sleep will not only give one better clarity of thought, but it can also help reduce stress.

Exercise Regularly

Having a healthy body is vital for everyone, but especially so when one is a teenager. Exercising regularly will not only help teens maintain their weight but also will help build muscle strength. It will also make them more active and have an easier time concentrating.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Whole-grain bread and pasta, fruits, vegetables, all types of fish, soy products, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, and poultry are examples of foods that teenagers should eat regularly. Eating foods like this will not only help one in their teen years, but it will also help them when they are older.

Limit Time Spent Using Electronic Devices

Teens should endeavor to limit the amount of time spent in front of electronic devices such as computers and television. Televisions can emit harmful UV rays, which can adversely affect a person’s vision. By limiting the amount of time spent on electronic devices, teens will find that they have more time to be active and do what they enjoy doing.

Wear Sunscreen

This may be a little bit obvious, but it is an important health tip. One should always wear sunscreen when they are going out in the sun as this will protect their skin from harmful UV rays that can cause premature aging and cancer. In addition to wearing sunscreen, one also needs to wear sunglasses to prevent damage from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays.

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Roger Blake MD

Based in Cleveland, Mississippi, Roger Blake MD is a determined leader in the medical, surgical, and entrepreneurial spheres.